The Juvenile Programs and Interventions Division administers state grant programs in relation to the Juvenile Services Act (Neb. Rev. Stat. Sections 43-2401 to 43-2412), specifically Community-Based Juvenile Services Aid Program (CBA), Community-based Juvenile Services Enhancement Aid Program (EB), and Juveniles Services Commission Grant Program (JS). Funding acquired through participation in these grant programs is used to support programs and services that will divert juveniles from the juvenile justice system, impact and effectively treat juveniles within the juvenile justice system, and reduce the juvenile detention population or assist juveniles in transitioning from out-of-home placements to in-home treatments.
In addition to administering grant programs, the division provides technical assistance and guidance for the development of comprehensive juvenile services plans; provides technical assistance and guidance to juvenile pretrial diversion programs for implementing evidence-based strategies or standardized, replicable practices that have been researched and have demonstrated positive outcomes; assists juvenile pretrial diversion program directors, county attorneys, district probation officers acting under section 29-2258, and county boards in developing policies and practices that achieve the goals of quality juvenile pretrial diversion programs; assists juvenile justice system stakeholders in developing policies and practices that are research-based or standardized and reliable and are implemented with fidelity and which have been researched and demonstrate positive outcomes; and participates in collaborative relationships with juvenile justice system stakeholders, providing education and training.
*Announcements Section*
Read about the new Nebraska Screening and Assessment Tool (N-SAT) for diversion programs here!
Grant Programs
Community-Based Juvenile Services Aid Program (CBA)
The Community-Based Juvenile Services Aid Program (CBA) is formula based aid to counties, multiple counties, federally recognized or state-recognized Indian tribe or tribes, or any combination of the three, for purposes consistent with the Juvenile Services Act and the federal act, and shall be used to aid in the establishment and provision of community-based services for juveniles who come in contact with the juvenile justice system. (Statutory Reference §43-2404.02)
In accordance with Nebraska Revised Statute §43-2404.02(3)(f) view Section 011 of Title 75, Chapter 1 for the Community-Based Juvenile Services Aid Appeals Process.
Community-Based Juvenile Services Enhancement Aid Program (EB)
Any Community-based Juvenile Services aid not distributed to counties or tribes is retained by the commission to be distributed on a competitive basis under the Community-based Juvenile Services Aid Program for a county, multiple counties, federally recognized or state-recognized Indian tribe or tribes, or any combination of the three demonstrating additional need in the funding areas. (Statutory reference §43-2404.02(3)(e)).
Juveniles Services Commission Grant Program (JS)
The Juvenile Services Commission Grant Program (JS) is a competitive grant available to community-based agencies or organizations, political subdivisions, school districts, and federally recognized or state-recognized Indian tribes to aid in the establishment of programs or services for juveniles consistent with the Juvenile Services Act and the federal act. (Statutory reference §§ 43-2401 to 43-2412).
OJJDP Title II Formula Grants Program
The Title II Formula Grants Program seeks to assist states in planning, establishing, operating coordinating, and evaluating projects directly or through grants and contracts with public and private agencies for the development of more effective education, training, research, prevention, diversion, treatment, and rehabilitation programs to improve the juvenile justice system. (U.S. Department of Justice, 6/3/24)
The Formula Grants Program is authorized under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act of 1974, as amended, at 34 U.S.C. §§ 11131.
The Nebraska Crime Commission is the Designated State Agency (DSA) for Title II purposes and will collaborate with the Nebraska Coalition for Juvenile Justice, The State Advisory Group (SAG). Nebraska’s Title II FY 23 plan may be found under NCC Annual Reports in Data and Reports tab.
Juvenile Diversion
The division is responsible for fostering, promoting, researching, and assessing juvenile pretrial diversion programs and developing new programs in collaboration with cities and counties across the state of Nebraska. The Director establishes baseline program guidelines for juvenile pretrial diversion programs based on evidence-based practices, principles, programs, and research; compiles and maintains juvenile diversion data collection; and generates an annual report on juvenile pretrial diversion programs. All diversion programs must submit juvenile diversion data to the Director annually. (Statutory Reference § 43-260.07 and §81-1427).
Title 78, Chapter 8, Juvenile Diversion Data Collection
Submitting Annual Juvenile Diversion Data Instructions
The Nebraska Juvenile Pretrial Diversion Guidelines, Tool Kits, and best practices resources can be found in the Juvenile Justice Resources tab here
Community Comprehensive Juvenile Services Plan
To be eligible for grant programs under the Juvenile Services Act, applicants must develop and submit comprehensive community plans to the Crime Commission. The plan must be developed by a comprehensive community team representing juvenile justice stakeholders. The plan must be based on data relevant to juvenile and family issues and identify clear implementation strategies. (Neb. Rev. Stat. 43-2404.01)
- Community Comprehensive Juvenile Services Plans
Community Planning Manual 2025
Community Planning Template 2025
Comprehensive Youth Services Plan Checklist
- Comprehensive Youth Services Plan Informational Webinar 3/7/24
Additionally, all counties must have a county juvenile services plan that meets the requirements of Neb. Rev. Stat. 43-3504, submitted to the Crime Commission.
Juvenile Case Management System (JCMS)
All recipients of Community-based Juvenile Services Aid and Juvenile Services Commission Grant Program funding must report individual level data of youth served and quarterly activity narratives into the Juvenile Case Management System (JCMS). Individual certificates assigned by agency and program type are required to access JCMS within the secure Nebraska Criminal Justice Information System (NCJIS) data portal. To request a certificate to access JCMS or make any changes to an existing certificate, please contact Chris Carlile at
For other issues with JCMS please contact the JCMS Helpdesk at JCMS related resources can be found below.
JCMS Required Variables
- JCMS Training Videos
- Creating Narratives
- Certifying Narrative for County/Tribe Leads
- Certifying Data for County/Tribe Leads
Missing Data Report User Guide
Certificate Upload Instructions for Mac.
JCMS Quarterly Reporting Manual
JCMS Data Export Guide and Codebook
JCMS Reports
Financial Grant Reporting
The Crime Commission is currently using AmpliFund for grant management software. For any questions on financial reporting, please contact Jessi Svoboda at
- Financial Grant Reporting is conducted through AmpliFund. For guidance on financial reporting requirements, please see the
Juvenile Programs and Interventions Guidebook. For AmpliFund support and resources, please visit AmpliFund Support.
- Link to AmpliFund Grant Management:
- Link to AmpliFund Support:
- Link to the training videos for AmpliFund:
- Training Video #1 :
- Training Video #2:
- Step by Step Guides:
- Creating and submitting expenses
Creating and submitting expenses
- Creating payment requests
Creating payment requests
- Creating and submitting expenses
Grant Management Resources and Forms
FY24 Grantee Annual Report Template
Annual Grant Activity Report Guidelines - June 2024
Program Type Table Template
Personnel Change Request Form
Program Change Request Form
Budget Change Request Form
Travel Expense Reimbursement Form Effective October 1, 2024
Travel Expense Reimbursement Form Effective January 1, 2024
- See below under Webinars for Training Video
Evidence Based – Nebraska Evaluations
The Crime Commission contracts with the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Juvenile Justice Institute, for the evaluation of the use of funds and the evidence of the effectiveness of programs or outcomes in the Community-based Juveniles Services Aid Program. Please visit the Evidence Based – Nebraska page for program definitions and resources, JCMS guides, and evaluation reports. (
Nebraska Coalition for Juvenile Justice
The Nebraska Coalition for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ) is a coalition established pursuant to the Juvenile Services Act, and is the State Advisory Group (SAG) for purposes of the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act. The Coalition makes funding recommendations to the commission on the awarding of grants under the Juvenile Services Act; reports annually to the Governor, Legislature, and DHHS on statewide recommendations relevant to juvenile justice; and formulates, adopts, and promulgates recommendations and guidelines for programs and services to meet the purpose and objectives of the Juvenile Services Act and the federal act. Members of the Coalition are Governor appointed. (Statutory Reference §§ 43-2411 to 2412).
- Juvenile Services Act (Sections 43-2401 to 43-2412)
- Commission Grant Program (43-2404)
- Comprehensive Juvenile Services Plans (43-2404.01)
- Community-based Juvenile Services Aid (43-24040.02)
- Juvenile Diversion (Sections 43-260.02 to 43-260.07 and 81-1427)
- Nebraska County Juvenile Services Plan Act (Sections 43-3501 to 43-3507)
- Sealing Records Statutes (Sections 43-2,108.01 to 43-2,108.05)
Annual Reports and Award Listings
Nebraska Juvenile Aid & Juvenile Justice Conference 2020
Below are links to agency highlights featured at the Nebraska Community Aid & Juvenile Justice Conference 2020.
Developing a Statewide Diversion Tool in Nebraska: Dr. Lindsey Wylie and Dr. Zach Hamilton
Agency Highights:
Otoe County
Video Link:
Native Futures
Video Link:
T. Marni Vos (Keynote)
3D Space:
Video Link:
Scottsbluff Diversion Assets
Direct Video:
Untapped Potential
Direct Video Link:
Healing Hearts & Families (Custer County)
Direct Video Link:
Colfax County
Direct Video Link:
Nebraska Juvenile Aid & Juvenile Justice Conference 2023
Recorded sessions from the conference can be found at the link below:
Presenters who shared their slides and materials can be found here:
Christian Bijoux - Racial equity Scorecard
Christian Bijoux - Structured Equity Conversations for Organizations
Christian Bijoux - Breakout Session
John Tuell - Adolescent Development
John Tuell - Risk-Needs-Responsivity
Miranda Stoll - Mental Health Integration
Victoria Chamberlin and Alexandra Miller - Common Problems, Common Solutions
Michelle Nunemaker - 988 Transition
Karen Bell-Dancy - Implicit Bias