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Commission, Committees and Advisory Groups

Roster of Current Commission, Committees, and Advisory Groups Members

Commission and Advisory Councils Members - Updated September 21, 2023

Commission, Committees, and Advisory Groups Members

Crime Commission

The Governor’s Crime Control Commission was created in 1967. The name was changed to the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice with legislation enacted in 1969 to establish the Crime Commission as a state agency. The Crime Commission was established to develop comprehensive plans and coordinate activities related to the improvement of criminal justice administration among state and local agencies. Since its inception, more statutory responsibilities have been assigned to the commission, which now serves as an umbrella agency for many criminal and juvenile justice programs mandated by state and federal law. The governing body of the Crime Commission has 19 members, most of whom are appointed by the governor for six-year terms. The commission meets quarterly to review the activities of its committees, take final action in awarding state and federal grant funds, provide oversight of staff activities and conduct other business as required.


County Attorney Standards Advisory Council

The County Attorney Standards Advisory Council has had the statutory responsibility to advise the Crime Commission on the development of a continuing legal education curriculum required for all Nebraska county attorneys and their deputies as well as establishing the number of training hours required annually. The Council also reviews and makes recommendations to the Crime Commission on the administration and disbursement of Crimes Against Children funds.


Crime Victims Reparations Committee

The CVR Program provides compensation to innocent victims of crime for certain expenses related to the criminal act.  


Jail Standards Board

The Nebraska Jail Standards Board was created in 1978 with statutory authority to develop and implement minimum standards for adult jails and temporary holding facilities throughout Nebraska.  The Board was placed with the Crime Commission in August of 1981 with the passage of Legislative Bill (LB) 328.  With the enactment of the Juvenile Detention Facility Standards in August of 1993, the Board's purview was expanded to include juvenile detention facilities.


Nebraska Coalition for Juvenile Justice

The Nebraska Coalition for Juvenile Justice's existence is mandated through the state's participation in the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act as well as the Nebraska Juvenile Services Act. The Coalition makes recommendations to the Crime Commission on juvenile justice issues, oversees Nebraska's compliance with the JJDP Act and prepares annual reports on those activities for the Governor and Legislature. The Coalition also reviews and makes recommendations to the Crime Commission on the award of the federal JJDP Act subgrants, federal Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Program subgrants, State Juvenile Services Act grants and State Juvenile Services Planning grants.


Office of Violence Prevention Advisory Council

The 2009 Legislature created the Office of Violence Prevention, which is housed within the Crime Commission. The office’s primary responsibility is to help promote, assess and fund statewide violence prevention programs. The office aids privately funded organizations, local government subdivisions and other advocacy groups in developing proven prevention, intervention, diversion and enforcement programs. Grant recipients are required to develop goals, objectives and performance indicators and submit quarterly activity reports to the Office of Violence Prevention. Grantees also are required to provide an evaluation report. A portion of the grant funds must be used for a professional evaluator. A six-member advisory council, appointed by the governor, meets quarterly. The council is required to recommend to the Crime Commission regulations regarding program fundraising, evaluation and coordination and criteria used to assess and award funds to violence prevention programs.


Police Standards Advisory Council

The Police Standards Advisory Council, sometimes referred to as PSAC, is a special standing committee of the Crime Commission and acts for the Commission in all matters relating to law enforcement training and the training center. The Council oversees all training schools and training academies and the operation of the training center, as well as ensuring that all rules, regulations, and policies with respect to pre-certification, certification, continuing education, and training requirements are implemented. The Council also plays a role in the revocation process for law enforcement certifications.


Racial Profiling Advisory Committee

In 2004, the Racial Profiling Advisory Committee was created to advise the executive director of the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice on the prevalence of motor vehicle stops involving racial profiling. The commission is required to annually submit to the governor and the Legislature a review of the prevalence and disposition of motor vehicle stops based on racial profiling and allegations reported. The committee developed a reporting form for motor vehicle stops and a form for receiving allegations of racial profiling.


Task Force on Human Trafficking

Nebraska Revised Statute §81-1430 created the Task Force on Human Trafficking in the Commission with the stated purposes of “investigating and studying human trafficking, the methods for advertising human trafficking services, and the victimization of individuals coerced to participate in human trafficking.” In 2015, Attorney General Doug Peterson created the Nebraska Human Trafficking Task Force (NHTTF) to coordinate the efforts of law enforcement, prosecutors, service providers, advocates, and community partners in the state’s response to human trafficking. Given the synergies between the Commission’s Task Force and the NHTTF, the groups merged to more efficiently and effectively leverage resources and the partnerships involved. For more information and additional resources, please visit:


Non-Statutory Groups

Criminal Justice Information Systems Advisory Committee

The CJIS Advisory Committee is comprised of representatives from a variety of state and local criminal justice agencies appointed by the Crime Commission's Executive Director. The Director of the Crime Commission's Statistical Analysis Center provides primary staff support for Committee activities as well as currently serving as chairperson of the CJIS Advisory Committee.



Nebraska Crime Commission

Drew Bigham (Chairperson)

Nebraska State Patrol

Chris Neukirch

Police Chiefs Association of Nebraska


Police Officers' Association of Nebraska

Brian Jackson

Victim Assistance

Kerri McGrury

Police/Research Corrections

Abby Carbaugh

State Court Administration

Jennifer Rasmussen

Nebraska Crime Commission

Stacey Bellefeuille

Nebraska Probation Court

Gene Cotter

Nebraska Parole

Jennifer Miller

Department of Health and Human Services


Office of the Chief Information Officer

Jim Ohmberger

Nebraska County Attorneys Association

Sarah Kay

State Corrections

Dana Metzger