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Nebraska Crime Commission

Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice

Reporting of Firearms Qualification

Reporting of Firearms Qualifications

005.01D Agency Reporting requires that the agency will report the annual qualification of all of its officers.  Such report will be received by the Compliance Coordinator no later than December 31, of each year.

NOTE:  If an officer works at any time during the calendar year, they must complete and report Firearms qualifications for that year.  

Officers who retire are also required to qualify during the last year of their employment.

Firearms reporting is completed through the InformaOne database.  If you have never accessed InformaOne or would like assistance in using the new database software please contact the InformaOne administrator. 308-218-6628.

For reference on the use of InformaOne, the PDF below covers the interface and navigation of the software including the process of reporting using InformaOne.

InformaOne PDF


Title 79, Chapter 11, sect 008 addresses the Waiver requirements. Waivers may be requested on behalf of officers who are unable to meet the qualification requirements.  Waivers for Firearms must be submitted no later than February 1st.


If an officer does not qualify or is not granted a waiver from the Police Standards Advisory Council, the officer’s status will be suspended.  (Section 009.01A) To be removed from suspended status, the officer must qualify on the Nebraska qualification course as administered by a Nebraska certified firearms instructor.  This will be reported to the NLETC and the officer must submit the re-instatement fee.  Upon receipt of all required documentation and the re-instatement fee, the officer will be removed from suspended status. Waiver Form