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Patrol Rifle Instructor

Click here to register: NLETC Forms Page (Scroll down to the Enrollment Form for Specialized Training.)

NLETC reserves the right to limit the number of attendees from any one agency. This is to provide equitable training throughout the state.

Students are responsible for lodging ($25.00 double occupancy) and meals. NLETC reserves the right to limit the number of students from any one agency.

Link: Title 79 Chapter 11

**Please read this entire description and information before you enroll**

Pre-Requisite:  Must be current Certified Firearms Instructor (Completion of the NLETC Firearms Instructor Apprenticeship is not required to attend the Patrol Rifle Instructor Course). Instructor Certifications will not be recognized for either handgun or patrol rifle until the apprenticeship requirement has been completed. Non-NLETC Certified Firearms Instructors will be considered for attendance on a case by case basis.

You may be required to submit proof of certification prior to receiving your acceptance letter from NLETC. If you have any questions for criteria to enter this course please contact Wyatt Hoagland at NLETC.

Entry Criteria: Upon arrival, participants will be required to pass a pre-qualification course of fire with a minimum score of 90% of shots scoring inside the entire Q area shot on the standard NLETC Q target.  This course requires the participants to shoot the course under certain time standards, from varying distances of 50 yds to 5 yds, and various shooting positions in prone, kneeling, and standing. It will also consist of rifle reloads and transitions from rifle to handgun.  This criteria is designed to insure participants are at a competency level capable of becoming a Rifle Instructor. Failure to pass the pre-qualification shoot will result in the participant being dismissed from training immediately and not allowed to continue in the class.  There will be no make-up or re-shoot.  If the participant questions their skill level, please feel free to contact Wyatt Hoagland for further information regarding the pre-qualification. You should ensure the condition of your weapon is zeroed and ready to shoot prior to arrival. There is no time to sight in your rifle or fix other problems before the pre-qualification.

NOTE: Regardless of the student's previous experience, the student should practice the pre-qualification and qualification courses before attending this course. Students will be allowed to use optics for this entire course.

Link: NLETC Patrol Rifle Pre-Qualification & Qualification course:

Certification Requirements: Participants in this course will be required to successfully complete the instructor's qualification course of fire by scoring a minimum of 90% in the modified hit zone. This course is the same course of fire shot for the pre-qualification but will be shot on the standard "Q" target with a modified "hit zone". The instructor qualification course will be conducted a total of four times (days 2-5). At any time during the instructor qualifying attempts, if the participant shoots a score of 90%, the instructor qualification requirement for certification is considered complete. If the participant fails to successfully complete the instructor qualification by the last day of the course, they will receive a CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE. Unlike the Handgun Instructor Program, there is no apprenticeship requirement for the Patrol Rifle Instructor Program.

In addition to the instructor qualification shoot, students must pass a written examination with a minimum score of 80% tested over the class course materials handed out in class and re-enforced during live fire exercises.

Course Description: This course is designed to provide the student with the fundamentals needed for developing and instructing their agency's patrol rifle program.  This class will enhance the teaching skills, marksmanship fundamentals, shooter competency, and safe weapons handling. This is NOT an Advanced Shooter, Tactical, or SWAT Course.

All classes and range exercises are conducted at the instructor level.  Students must be physically capable of quickly and safely assuming standing, kneeling, seated and prone positions, maintaining them, and safely recovering from them without assistance.


Required Firearm: This course will only accept participants with a shoulder mounted, magazine fed, gas operated, semi-automatic rifle capable of firing 223/556 or 308 caliber rounds. (Magazine capacity of at least 20 rounds is required.) 

All students will shoot their weapon system "as you deploy it on duty". If your agency allows you to carry a patrol rifle with optics, you will be allowed to shoot ALL qualifications, including the pre-qualification, and shooting drills with optics. If your agency does not allow you to deploy with an optic, you will be required to shoot with iron sights.

Patrol Rifle that has been zeroed and ready to shoot, a sling, at least 3 magazines with a capacity of at least 20 rounds each, duty handgun & magazines, DUTY GEAR (type worn on duty), hand held flashlight, pen/pencil, large permanent marker, sight adjustment tool for the rifle, range clothing (appropriate range clothing does not include shorts, open toed shoes, or sleeveless shirts), appropriate cleaning equipment for rifle and handgun, wrap around eye protection, preferably electronic ear protection, baseball style cap. 

Optional equipment:  weapon mounted light, shooting mat, spotting scope, knee and elbow pads.

ALL EQUIPMENT IS REQUIRED. Contact Wyatt Hoagland at NLETC with questions regarding acceptable firearms and equipment prior to attending the course to ensure you will not be turned away.

Ammunition:  1500 rounds rifle ammunition, 250 rounds handgun ammunition

Start Date: 09/22/2025      Start Time: 8:00 AM

End Date: 09/26/2025

Tuition: $400.00 plus lodging and meals as applicable

Class Limit: 20

Location: NLETC

Instructor: Wyatt Hoagland,


Prerequisite: Completion of the NLETC Firearms Instructor Course.
