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Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center

TAC Med User Course

The Tactical Medical for First Responders program is designed to define a Medical Threat Assessment, to include a medical plan for a tactical operation. Students will learn how to apply techniques to control life threatening bleeding during Care Under Fire in a (HOT ZONE). Additionally, they will perform techniques to treat life threatening and non-life threatening injuries during Tactical Field Care in a (WARM ZONE). During the program students will demonstrate lifting, moving and extricating victims from a tactical or hostile environment during Tactical Evacuation Care.

FLETC TAC Med Instructor

The Basic Tactical Medical Instructor is a highly intense training program and consists of lecture, labs and skill practice. The LEO will gain knowledge and skills necessary to mitigate the loss of their life or the life of another while in a dynamic environment. The skills will address treating life threatening injuries in an austere environment with limited equipment, lack of medically trained personnel and prolonged time to evacuation.