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Police Standards Advisory Council


Chief Steve Reeves

North Platte Police Department

Representing cities of the first class



Sgt. Drew Bolzer

Lancaster Co. Sheriff's Office

Representing sworn officer holding the rank of sergeant or below


Asst. Chief Jason Stille

Lincoln Police Department

Representing Cities of the Primary Class


Lt. Colonel Jeff Roby

Nebraska State Patrol

Representing NSP


Chief Paul Graham

Aurora Police Department

Representing Cities of the 2nd Class 


Sheriff Greg London

Sarpy Co. Sheriff's Office

Representing Sheriffs serving a Population of over 40,000 people


Matthew McCarthy

Northeast Community College

Representing Citizens at Large


Sheriff Dan Osmond

Custer Co. Sheriff's Office

Representing Sheriffs serving a population of less than 40,000 people


Deputy Chief Sherie Thomas

Omaha Police Department

Representing Chief of Police (or Designee) from cities of the Metropolitan Class


Crime Commission and NLETC Staff Members

Crime Commission Executive Director Bryan Tuma

Sara Bockstadter, Agency Counsel for the Crime Commission, serves as legal advisor to the Council.

Director Mark Stephenson, Director of Standards to the Council.

Steven Gobel, Secretary to the Council.


The Police Standards Advisory Council serves the Nebraska Crime Commission by being responsible for establishing the standards, rules and training governing the certification of law enforcement officers in Nebraska. The Council is responsible for the revocation of law enforcement certificates of officers who have failed to meet such requirements.

Council members are appointed by the Governor to four year terms. The Council consists of nine voting members as set forth in Neb. Rev 81-1407. Eight of the voting members are law enforcement professionals and one member is a citizen at large or a member of the Jail Standards Board. Meetings are normally held the third Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Training Center.