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Patrol Rifle Information

Patrol Rifle Instructor Qualification

Title 79, Chapter 11 outlines the requirements for Patrol Rifle regulations.

A law enforcement officer in Nebraska is not required to carry a patrol rifle. However, with the approval of their agency, an officer may carry a patrol rifle. There are several requirements for those officers who carry a patrol rifle. These are outlined below.


Title 79, Chapter 11, 005.01A (2) All appointed law enforcement officers and reserve officers employed by a law enforcement agency and individuals exercising law enforcement duties under a special deputy status, who utilize a patrol rifle, shall qualify at least once every calendar year on a fifty round patrol rifle course that meets or exceeds the Council-approved parameters for a patrol rifle qualification course.

005.01C Rifles: Individuals who are authorized by their agency to carry a patrol rifle shall qualify with a rifle of the same make and model as the patrol rifle which they are authorized to carry while he/she is on duty

An agency may use the State Patrol Rifle Course as provided in the pdf above or it may develop its own qualification course using the following parameters.

Qualification Course Parameters

     1. The patrol rifle qualification course must consist of at least 50 rounds total. This includes up to but no more than 10 rounds of handgun ammunition used for transition drills.

     2. The patrol rifle qualification course must include a minimum of 15 rounds (of the 50 required) be fired from the 50 yard line or beyond.

     3. The patrol rifle qualification course must include a minimum of 30 rounds (of the 50 required) be fired from inside the 50 yard line. 

     4. The ammunition count listed above only mandates where 45 of the 50 rounds required be fired. This allows for 5 discretionary rounds, which can be fired from any distance on the course.     

     5. The patrol rifle qualification course must include a course of fire from the standing position.         

     6. The patrol rifle qualification course must include a course of fire from the kneeling position.

     7. The patrol rifle qualification course must include a course of fire from the prone position.

     8. The three basic shooting positions maybe contained in a single course of fire or be combined in a single course of fire so long as each position is used at least once in the patrol rifle qualification course. Example – “shooter will shoot 5 rounds from the prone position in 20 seconds” – single position in a single course of fire. / “shooter will shoot 5 rounds standing and 5 rounds kneeling in 20 seconds” – two positions covered in a single course of fire.

     9. The patrol rifle qualification course must include 2 magazine changes in a timed course of fire to be conducted from a distance no greater than 50 yards. These magazine changes may be incorporated into a course of fire or may be the only objective. Example – “Shooter will shoot 5 rounds standing – reload – shoot 5 rounds kneeling in 25 seconds”. This example covers 2 shooting positions and 1 of the reload requirements.       

    10. The patrol rifle qualification will contain a timed transition drill (transition from rifle to handgun) in a course of fire to be conducted from a distance no greater than 15 yards. The transition drill may be incorporated into a course of fire or may be the only objective. Example – “Shooter will fire 2 rounds from their rife. When the rifle is empty the shooter will transition to their handgun and fire 5 rounds in 7 seconds”.

If you have any questions regarding the firearms program at NLETC, please contact lead firearms instructor Wyatt Hoagland at