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Officer Misconduct and Oversight Center

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Statutory Requirement – Qualifying Events

Per Nebraska Revised Statute §81-1414.19(1), the Commission shall make publicly available via its website a listing of all law enforcement officers who, on or after January 1, 2021, met certain qualifying events. The table below explains the events for inclusion on the list.

Statutory Requirement


Surrendered their certifications or had their certifications revoked. Officers may surrender their certificates, which under rules and regulations is the same as a revocation. Certifications can be revoked either by: surrender; contested case; or administrative/automatic. Please see Types of Revocations for more detail.
Been convicted of or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to a felony or a Class I misdemeanor. Such a conviction would lead to pursuing revocation per Nebraska Revised Statutes §81-1401(11)(a) and §81-1403 (6)(a)(i-iii). The Commission will wait to list the officer until the revocation actions are final.
Upon adjudication by the council, been found to have engaged in serious misconduct. PSAC would make such a finding either in accepting a surrendered certification or in conducting a hearing as part of a contested revocation. The Commission will wait to list the officer until the revocation actions are final. Please see Types of Revocations for more detail.

Please Note: Given the situations that place an officer on this list, the list will almost exclusively be a list of revoked officers as each qualifying situation is either a revocation action or grounds for such action.


Statutory Requirement – Posting of Letter

Per Nebraska Revised Statute §84-1414.19(2), for officers meeting the above conditions on or after January 1, 2021, the agency that most recently employed the officer must complete a Decertification Attestation Letter detailing:

  • The officer's name, rank, and most recent law enforcement agency;
  • A statement indicating the reason such officer's name is on the list;
  • A description of any discipline imposed; and
  • An affirmation, signed by the agency administrator affirming the truth and accuracy of the matters stated in the letter.

Please note, that as revocation actions are functions of the Commission and the Police Standards Advisory Council, Commission staff shall assist agencies in completing the Decertification Attestation Letter.



Searchable Spreadsheet – Revocations from 1995 to Present

In addition to the statutory requirement to list officers meeting the specified conditions on or after January 1, 2021, this site also provides a listing of all revoked officers dating from roughly 1995 (the first revocation) to present. Because this spreadsheet includes revocations before the January 1, 2021 date, the elements listed, for comparability, are limited to: officer name; agency; last day worked; and date of revocation. For those revoked on or after January 1, 2021, the statutorily required information can be found in the Decertification Attestation Letters List below.


Decertification Attestation Letters

Each officer will be listed below, with a link to the Decertification Attestation Letter for that officer. The letters use the following naming convention:

  • OfficerLastName.OfficerFirstName.Agency.DateRevoked
    • Example: Doe.John.SomewherePolice.01062022
    • Example: Doe.John.SomewhereCountySheriff.01062022

The Decertification Attestation Letter date may be significantly different from the date it is signed by the agency administrator depending on the timing of the revocation. The date appearing at the top of the letter is the date of the Informal Complaint to the Commission.




Officers revoked since 1995, including those revoked on or after January 1, 2021, can be found in the Revocations Spreadsheet. This is an Excel spreadsheet and is easily searched and sorted using program functions.


Decertification Attestation Letters List

For those officers revoked on or after January 1, 2021, the officers are listed alphabetically. The list can also be searched by using the search function of your browser. A link to that officer’s Decertification Attestation Letter appears in the last column.




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Revocations from 1995 to Present

Revocations from 1995 to Present - updated 01/22/2025


Revoked on or after January 1, 2021

Last Name

First Name



Bierle Scott Lincoln Police Bierle.Scott.LincolnPolice.05142021
Bornemeier Mathew Jefferson County Sheriff Bornemeier.Mathew.JeffersonCountySheriff.05062022
Boston Peyton Fremont Police Bostin.Payton.FremontPolice.05172024
Bremer Andrew Kimball Police Bremer.Andrew.KimballPolice.01172025
Bridgmon Nicholas Seward County Sheriff Bridgmon.Nicholas.SewardCountySheriff.10152021
Cadwell Sean Dodge County Sheriff Cadwell.Sean.DodgeCountySheriff.12212023
Castaneda Allen Lexington Police Castaneda.Allen.LexingtonPolice.10252024
Caudillo Jennifer Kearney Police Caudillo.Jennifer.KearneyPolice.10272023
Chisano Anthony Beatrice Police Chisano.Anthony.BeatricePolice.10252024
Chitwood Jeffrey

Scotts Bluff County Sheriff

Lyman Police

Cody Greg Lincoln Police Cody.Greg.LincolnPolice.12222021
Davis Rachel Dawson County Sheriff Davis.Rachel.DawsonCountySheriff.10252024
Dice Justin Red Willow County Sheriff Dice.Justin.RedWillowCountySheriff.06172022
Dobson Tatum Ashland Police Dobson.Tatum_.AshlandPolice.05192023
Dolezal Brandon Nebraska State Patrol Dolezal.Brandon.StatePatrol.10282022
Ferrell Bruce Wahoo Police Ferrell.Bruce.WahooPolice.10272023
Gale Jason UNK Police Gale.Jason.UNKPolice.10152021
Gonzalez Richard Omaha Police Gonzalez.Richard.OmahaPolice.03102024
Groth Christopher Omaha Police Groth.Christopher.OmahaPolice.12212023
Hansen Bradley Fremont Police Hansen.Bradley.FremontPolice.05142021
Hartman Douglas Clay County Sheriff Hartman.Douglas.ClayCountySheriff.05192023
Herbel Matthew Scottsbluff Police Herbel.Matthew.ScottsBluffPolice.05062022
Hogan Austin Omaha Police Hogan.Austin.OmahaPolice.01192024
Hurlburt Casey Valley County Sheriff Hurlburt.Casey.ValleyCountySheriff.05172024
Keller Savannah Blair Police Keller.Savannah.BlairPolice.01172025
Kruse Nicole Washington County Sheriff Kruse.Nicole.WashingtonCountySheriff.05172024
Kruse Paul Colfax County Sheriff Kruse.Paul.ColfaxCountySheriff.10152021
Lichty John Bennington Police Lichty.John.BenningtonPolice.06022021
Lonowski Kylan Burwell Police Lonowski.Kylan.BurwellPolice.05142021
Martinez Bryan

Minatare Police

Sioux County Sheriff

McKnight Stan Banner County Sheriff McKnight.Stan_.BannerCountySheriff.05192023
McQuaid Holly Bellevue Police McQuaid.Holly.BellevuePolice.05142021
Medina George Schuyler Police Medina.George.SchuylerPolice.01202023
Menke Taylor Washington County Sheriff Menke.Taylor.WashingtonCountySheriff.01302023
Nichols Dianne Webster County Sheriff Nichols.Dianne.WebsterCountySheriff.05062022
Palermo Johnny Omaha Police Palermo.Johnny.OmahaPolice.08212024
Parker Cody Colfax County Sheriff Parker.Cody.ColfaxCountySheriff.08182023
Peden John Cozad Police Peden.John.CozadPolice.10282022
Pinkerton Timothy Bellevue Police Pinkerton.Timothy.BellevuePolice.01152021
Poland Terry Oakland Police Poland.Terry.OaklandPolice.LyonsPolice.10282022
Quinn Michelle Garden County Sheriff Quinn.Michelle.GardenCountySheriff.05062022
Rowe Rhonda Hall County Sheriff Rowe.Rhonda.HallCountySheriff.05142021
Vance Richard Cass County Sheriff Vance.Richard.CassCountySheriff.05142021
Wagner Gabriel Schuyler Police Wagner.Gabriel.SchuylerPolice.05062022
Wallage Wayne Lincoln Police Wallage.Wayne.LincolnPolice.08162024
Wasser Jacob Buffalo County Sheriff Wasser.Jacob.BuffaloCountySheriff.01172025
Wasson Brian Scottsfbluff Police Wasson.Brian.ScottsbluffPolice.01192024
Webber Tyler Scottsbluff Police Webber.Tyler.ScottsbluffPolice.10252024
White Kenneth Wheeler County Sheriff White.Kenneth.WheelerCountySheriff.08202021
Williams Austin Fremont Police Williams.Austin.FremontPolice.06172022