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Noncertified Conditional Officer / Trainees

Neb. Rev.  §81-1414 (6) defines a person who has not been awarded a certificate or diploma as a Noncertified Conditional Officer (NCO).

 An individual may be employed by a law enforcement agency as a “Trainee”.  This is a civilian employee who has been hired with the intent that the applicant will be appointed as a law enforcement officer upon completion of certification training. 

A trainee is not given law enforcement authority and cannot carry out law enforcement functions.


Non-Certified Conditional Officer


Civilian Position



Appointed Law Enforcement Officer



Change in Status within 7 days



Interact with the Public



Length of Employment

16 Weeks

No Limit

Meets Academy Admission Standards

Upon Hiring

Before acceptance into Basic

Apply For the Next Basic



Packet due

21 days from hire

60 days after hire; no less than 30  days prior to the start of basic

Psychological Examination

Prior to Hiring

Prior to Academy Acceptance

Interact with the Public

After 80 hours of training


80 Hours of Training Required



Carry a firearm

After 80 hours of training


Ride with an FTO

After 80 hours of training




If the NCO interacts with the public in a law enforcement capacity and carries a firearm before they attend the academy, the NCO must complete pre-academy requirements listed below

  • After Application packet approved by NLETC
    • Complete the pre-academy training requirements.  §81-1414 (6)(c)(i)-(vii). 
      • Training requirement completed, submit training verification form to the Director pursuant to §81-1414 (6)(d).
      • Training must be completed prior to interacting with the public and carrying a firearm.
      • Field Training (FTO )§81-1414 (6) (e) noncertified conditional officer shall not interact with the public unless such officer is under the direct supervision of a field training officer (FTO)

NCO Limitations §81-1414 (6) (f) “a noncertified conditional officer shall not, without direct guidance and authorization from an approved field training officer".

  • (i) Ride in a marked police cruiser;
  • (ii) Make arrests;
  • (iii) Interview suspects, victims, or witnesses; or
  • (iv) carry out any other law enforcement function

NCO’s who do not interact with the public in a law enforcement capacity

  • Do not need to complete the 80 hours of training.