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About Us

The Governor's Crime Control Commission was created in 1967 by Executive Order. The name was later changed to the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice with legislation enacted in 1969 to establish the Crime Commission as an agency of state government.

The Crime Commission was established to develop comprehensive plans and coordinate activities related to the improvement of criminal justice administration among state and local agencies. Since its inception, additional statutory responsibilities have been assigned to the Crime Commission, which now serves as an umbrella agency for many criminal and juvenile justice programs. The majority of the Crime Commission's responsibilities are set forth in Nebraska Revised Statutes 81-1415 to 81-1429.02.


Bryan Tuma
Executive Director

Commission's Rules and Regulations


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Staff Listing

NCC Organizational Chart

NLETC Organizational Chart



Although the Crime Commission is a relatively small state agency, it is responsible for the administration of a wide variety of programs mandated by state and federal law. The Crime Commission's array of programs and functions reflect its historical transition in mission from that of distributing federal grant funds to a service and regulatory agency, responsible for the overall improvement of Nebraska's criminal and juvenile justice systems.


Budget & Accounting

The Budget and Accounting Division performs core administrative functions for the Crime Commission including:

Payroll, including administering benefits and deductions for all employees; Payments to Vendors; Contractual Payments; Payments to Grantees; Budget Request submitted to the Governor and Legislature; Tracking expenditures by budget program during the fiscal year; Federal Financial Reports; Respond to requests for information from the State Auditor's staff; Revise and interpret internal policies relating to staff; Fiscal Notes on Legislative Bills


Community Corrections

Legislative Bill 390 was passed by the legislature and signed into law by the Governor on May 26, 2011. This legislation created the Community Corrections Division of the Nebraska Crime Commission. Previously the duties and staff now associated with this Division were under the Community Corrections Council, which LB390 eliminated.


Federal Grants and Programs


Juvenile Programs and Interventions


Victim Support and Coordinating Team


Office of Violence Prevention

In the 2009 Legislative session LB 63 was passed establishing the Office of Violence Prevention (OVP). Statutes for OVP can be found at 81-1447 through 81-1451.

Priority of funding will be given to projects that appear to have the greatest benefit to the state and have goals to reduce street and gang violence, homicides and injuries caused by firearms. The Legislature found that to effectively address these issues, communities must develop a multi-faceted approach that includes violence prevention activities, intervention and enforcement, punishment when necessary and rehabilitation. Funding opportunities for these funds can be found under Grant Information on the Crime Commission website.

Mission Statement

To provide Leadership and aid in the development, growth and overall assessment of violence prevention programs throughout the State of Nebraska.

This effort will include, but will not be limited to:

  • Program evaluation
  • Coordination of programs and effort
  • Assist with administration and disitribution of funds to programs
  • Fundraising

Vision Statement

The Office of Violence Prevention strives to aid in the statewide reduction of violent crime. The Statutes for the Violence Prevention funds allow for donated gifts, bequests or other contributions. If you are interested in making a contribution to the Violence Prevention Fund you may do so by making the check out to: Office of Violence Prevention, Funding #27870.

You may send the check addressed to:

Office of Violence Prevention
Attn: Accounting Department
P.O. Box 94946
Lincoln, NE 68509-4946


Systems, Research, and Pardons Administration Division


Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center

The Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center, located in Grand Island, provides mandatory Basic Training, Supervision and Management courses, Reserve Officer/In-Lieu-Of Basic Training, continuing education, and specialized training for law enforcement and detention officers statewide. Specialized courses include a range of topics such as law enforcement, drug enforcement, domestic violence and sexual assault investigations, highway safety, emergency vehicle operations, fingerprinting, firearms, handling and use of police dogs, defense tactics, violent crime, and homicide investigations. Training programs are conducted at the Law Enforcement Training Center as well as on a regional basis throughout the state. Selected training programs are also provided through the Internet.

NLETC Resources