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Nebraska Crime Commission

Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice


eCitation is a computer software package for law enforcement officers which allows them to create, print, and electronically transmit the citations to Nebraska State Court Administrator’s Office. It is joint effort between county attorneys, law enforcement agencies, and the Crime Commission. Officers issue electronic citations to violators replacing conventional citation pads with laptops/ tablets and mobile printers. Paper citations are only issued when an officer encounters a malfunction with the electronic citation process.  eCitation allows officer/agency to avoid data entry errors by having quick and easy data fields to autopopulate into the uniform citation form. Data and images are then routed to NCJIS and made available to the Courts and County Attorneys.  Module to access data electronically by County Attorneys is on NCJIS. 


Nebraska Supreme Court has mandated that agencies who issue more than 500 citations per year has to submit citations electronically by 01/01/2020. Data elements for the Uniform Citation form is specified by the Nebraska Supreme Court. Vendors who wish to include an eCitation module in their Record Management System must adhere to the data requirements outlined in the XML/XSD materials below. Crime Commission facilitates data exchange and also administer funds for local law enforcement agencies to purchase necessary equipment.


Any questions regarding eCitation should be directed to the helpdesk at


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